Initial designs for the Mitcham Gas Works site have been published and they are very disappointing. The plan as it currently stands is for 17 blocks of flats, rising to 13 storeys.
This site has been a long time coming forward, and can at last be used to deliver homes Mitcham needs. The correct approach to the site is to take a streets based approach and extend the style of development achieved on the rest of the Gas Works Site.
If the currently proposed development, or anything so dense and blocks based goes ahead, the character of Mitcham will be irretrievably undermined.
We are urging Merton Council to think about its own designation of this site as suitable for 200-400 homes in the submitted local plan, and have asked it to challenge the developer to stick to this. We have also written to local councillors.
There is no place in Mitcham for such a dense development based on blocks of flats rising to 13 storeys.
This development is at an early stage, and a full planning application will appear later. Please let us know if you want to be kept informed by emailing us.
Read our submission - Mitcham Society Gasworks site submission Feb 2022