We have watched proposals for housing at the SUEZ site at Benedict Whart grow from 600 to 850 dwellings, so that now blocks of 10 storeys are proposed. We understand that housing is needed in our area, but plonking a massive, badly designed new estate that looms over open spaces and has no relationship to what is around it is not the way to approach the issue.
SUEZ is applying for 'outline' planning permission, which means whoever buys the site could scrap their ideas and instead propose even higher, even more poorly designed housing. The one thing saving the area from that fate would be a strong Design Code, which would effectly set rules that Merton Council could apply to any new plans that come forward. There is at Design Code with this planning application, but it is not clear enough or emphatic enough to do that job.
We have been working closely with Mitcham Cricket Green Community & Heritage and local residents to come up with a proposal with a much broader sweep - taking in nearby housing that is in need of an estate regeneration scheme and other sites that could also be brought in to the plans. This would be a way to create the density required with good design and lower rise much more fitting for Mitcham, and provide much needed homes for those already living locally.
We want to see the current application refused, and the plans paused while this wider idea is considered.
All the relevant documents about the proposal are here.
You can submit views to planning.representations@merton.gov.uk - include the number of the planning application which is 19/P2383 in the subject line of your email. Comments from individuals will not be published online.
Read what we've said - Benedict Wharf Mitcham Society comments 2020 April