Merton Council's own development company, Merantun, is proposing to build a new block of flats on the Elm Nursery Car Park site, in London Road. This will be entirely affordable homes. Nonetheless, we have our reservations about the proposal.

Merantun has four planning applications live at the moment, three fo which are in Mitcham (Raleigh Gardens and a plot at The Canons at Cricket Green as well as this site). The other site is in Morden. The affordable homes for the other three developments are all proposed to go onto the Elm Nursery Car Park site. This contravenes Merton Council's own policy, which says that affordable homes should be integrated onto sites unless there are 'exceptional circumstances'. We see no evidence of exceptional circumastances for the Raleigh Gardens or Canons developments. 

We have other reservations about this development. Two of the flats proposed - one each on the ground and first floors - are 'single aspect' meaning that they have windows on just one side. This will mean some rooms in these flats have no windows. It is not acceptable. 

At five storeys the building is too tall. Four is fitting for this site. We have some reservations about the design, and we are also concerned that the flat roof does not have any provision for solar energy. We think that this is a 'must have' for new build.

We have commented on the planning application asking Merton Council to refuse permission. 

Al the relevant documents about the proposal are here.

You can submit views to - include the number of the planning application which is 19/P4047 in the subject line of your email. The closing date for comments is 16th January. You can continue to submit comments after the closing date for comments has passed.Comments from individuals will not be published online. 

Read what we've said - Elm Nursery Car Park Mitcham Society comments

 Elm Nursery Car Park